Hello, World!

I'm Pritish.

Computer Science Engineering Undergrad(2024) from Galgotias, India. Enthusiastic MERN stack web developer and aspiring data engineer enthusiast seeking internship opportunities to enhance skills and contribute to innovative projects.


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Frontend Developer

10/2023 – 01/2023
  • Led the frontend development for a diverse portfolio of over 15 projects at Zoho Corp, showcasing adaptability and proficiency in React and JavaScript.
  • Actively engaged in the development lifecycle, delivering consistent success across projects and demonstrating versatility in addressing varied frontend challenges.

Intel Data Analysis and AI Program

05/2022 – 10/2022
  • Completed a 6-month Intel Data Analysis and AI program, gaining hands-on experience in developing AI/ML projects using Intel’s tools and techniques.
  • Developed multiple projects in AI/ML and IoT, enhancing skills in software development, data analysis, and neural networks.
Student chapter


10/2021 - 01/2023
  • I collaborate closely with other members and leads in various researches
  • Handle research & publication confrences


NextJs, Express, React

Freelance project-Bhagirathi Enterprises Webpage

React, Typescript, TailwindCSS, Vite

Freelance project-Local Gym

React, Redux, Tailwind, GSAP

This website represents small startup

React, Typescript, Vite

Freelance project-EY Innovation

MongoDB, React, Express, Node.js

MERN stack real estate site.

Polygon, ERC-721, SEO, Hardhat

Garuda Hacks 3.0 Winner- Polygon Web3 Project. Developed a web-based platform that allows users to showcase, mint, sell, buy, and transfer NFTs using an ERC-721 smart contract.